Arma Dei Carabinieri Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Arma Dei Carabinieri
Company Name Arma Dei Carabinieri
Snippet Il Generale di Corpo d'Armata Enzo Bernardini assume la carica di Vice Comandante dell'Arma dei Carabinieri . Roma - 18/03/2021 Il Capo della Polizia Lamberto Giannini in visita al Comando Generale dei Carabinieri . Roma - 13/02/2021 Un albero per il futuro . Salta la sezione Concorsi.
Motto Nei Secoli FedeleLoyal throughout the centuries
Formed July 13, 1814
Anniversary June 5, Carabinieri Day
Headquarters Rome
Parent agency Ministry of Defence
Sworn members 110,000 officers
Federal agency Italy
General nature Federal law enforcement, Gendarmerie
National agency Italy
Agency executive Giovanni Nistri, Commanding General
Operations jurisdiction Italy
Elected officer responsible Lorenzo Guerini, Minister of Defence

Arma Dei Carabinieri is part of the Italy company list

Arma Dei Carabinieri is part of the Military company list

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