B&D Consulting Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about B&D Consulting
Company Name B&D Consulting
Website https://en.bitcoin.it
Snippet By far the most commonly used symbol for Bitcoin is BTC, a capital letter B with two falling strokes at the top and bottom. This symbol was designed by Satoshi Nakamoto for the icon of an early version of the original Bitcoin client, though the very first versions of the Bitcoin client used "BC" instead of any special symbol.
Type Alphabet ic
Country united states
Founded 1985.0
Sisters БВבּבبܒԲ բ
Website faegrebdc.com
Industry public policy
linkedin linkedin.com/company/b&d-consulting
Variations (See below)
size_range 11 - 50
Descendants • ♭ • ␢ • ฿
Development Β β𐌁 B b, Β β𐌁 B b, Β β𐌁 B b, Β β𐌁 B b, Β β𐌁 B b, 𐌁 B b, B b, B b, B b
Time period unknown to present
display_url faegrebdc.com
Headquarters washington, district of columbia, united states
Unicode value U+0042, U+0062
Phonetic usage [b][p][ɓ](Adapted variations)
Writing system Latin scriptEnglish alphabetISO basic Latin alphabet
Associated numbers 2
Language of origin Latin language
Number of employees 23
Alphabetical position 2Numerical value: 2
Other letters commonly used with bvbhbpbmbf

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