Company Name | Bloomnation |
Website | |
Snippet | Order fresh flowers online that are hand-delivered by the best local florists. Find local flower shops with same-day flower delivery and shop from unique flower arrangements designed by certified floral designers. Forget cheap flowers and discover that perfect gift for Mother's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, and all occasions. |
Country | united states |
Founded | 2010 |
Website | |
Industry | internet |
Services | Marketplace for Local Florists | | |
Employees | 45 |
Founder(s) | Farbod Shoraka, Gregg Weisstein and David Daneshgar |
size_range | 51 - 200 |
Headquarters | Santa Monica, United States |
Type of business | Private |
Number of employees | 33 |
Bloomnation is part of the United States company list
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