Company Name | Close To My Heart |
Website | |
Snippet | For the next six months I invested in everything I could get my hands on to help improve my ability to sell my services and generate more money. |
Country | United States |
Founded | 2011.0 |
Website | |
Industry | arts and crafts |
Language | English |
Music by | Max Steiner |
Starring | Gene TierneyRay Milland | | |
Edited by | Clarence Kolster |
Written by | James R. Webb |
size_range | 11 - 50 |
Directed by | William Keighley |
Produced by | William Jacobs |
display_url | |
Release date | 1951 |
Cinematography | Robert Burks |
Distributed by | Warner Bros. |
Number of employees | 6 |
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