Creative Group Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Creative Group
Company Name Creative Group
Snippet Creative Group (full name: PJSC Creative Group Public Limited) is a Ukrainian integrated agro-industrial company specialized in the production of sunflower oil and meal, fats and margarines, soybean meal and oil, biofuel pellets and is also engaged in agriculture. The Group has 9 plants and 8 elevator complexes,[1] located in the Kropyvnytskyi, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Dnipro and Sumy regions of Ukraine. The company has a land bank of around 30,000 hectares. In 2013, the company’s consolidated revenue amounted to $1.055 billion.[2] The company produces and sells both unbranded products to large industrial buyers and branded products for the retail segment (brands include Sonola, Delikon, Dyvne, Kum and Maslovyya). The company sells its products throughout Ukraine and exports to over 25 countries,[3] including countries in Northern Africa, the CIS, India, and Asian region (Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia). The group has representative offices in China and the UAE. Around 70% of the company's products are exported.[4]
Founded 1991
Industry producing sunflower oil and meal, fats and margarines, soybean meal and oil, biofuel pellets; agriculture
Key people Stanislav Berezkin, Maxym Berezkin, Yuri Davydov
Headquarters Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine
Number of employees 3200

Creative Group is part of the Ukraine company list

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