Eversheds Sutherland Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Eversheds Sutherland
Company Name Eversheds Sutherland
Website https://us.eversheds-sutherland.com
Snippet Eversheds Sutherland is an international top 40 law practice helping a global client base ranging from small and mid-sized businesses to the largest multinationals solve their biggest challenges and reach their business goals. Dedicated to unfaltering excellence in client service, we are known for our business savvy and industry intelligence, providing creative and custom solutions for each of ...
Website Eversheds Sutherland
Company type Limited liability partnership
Date founded 1988 (Eversheds LLP)[2]1924 (Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP)2017 (Eversheds Sutherland LLP)
No. of lawyers Approximately 1,800[1]
No. of employees Approximately 4,000[1]
Major practice areas General practice, Commercial Practice

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