Latn Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Latn
Company Name Latn
Snippet LATN has the expertise and experience you seek We serve a wide variety of clients – individuals, businesses, industries, the scientific community, telecommunications, academia, healthcare, government, judicial entities, and many non-profit and for-profit agencies and organizations.
Type Bicameral impure Alphabet
Country united states
Founded 1995.0
Industry translation and localization
Direction Left-to-right
ISO 15924 Latn, 215
Languages most western European languages, including Latin, many Turkic, Finno-Ugric and Eskimo–Aleut languages, Basque language, Polynesian languages, some African, Austronesian and Austroasiatic languages
size_range 51 - 200
Time period ~700 BC–present
Headquarters atlanta, georgia, united states
Child systems indirectly, the Cherokee syllabary and Yugtun script
Unicode alias Latin
Unicode range See Latin characters in Unicode
Parent systems Proto-SinaiticPhoenician alphabetGreek alphabetOld Italic scriptLatinRoman, Phoenician alphabetGreek alphabetOld Italic scriptLatinRoman, Greek alphabetOld Italic scriptLatinRoman, Old Italic scriptLatinRoman, LatinRoman
Sister systems CyrillicArmenianGeorgianCopticRunic/Futhark
Number of employees 69

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