Lemvigh-Müller Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Lemvigh-Müller
Company Name Lemvigh-Müller
Website https://www.lemu.dk
Snippet aGreenment™ Fakta om Lemvigh-Müller Ledelse Firmaværdier Ledelseskodeks Politikker Arbejdsmiljø Bæredygtighedspolitik Dataetik Diversitet og inklusion Kvalitet Konfliktmineraler REACH-forordningen Datterselskaber G. Funder Certificeringer Beskyttelse af persondata Job-og-karriere Ledige stillinger Se alle ledige stillinger
Type Private limited company
Owner Lemvigh-Müller Fonden, I.F. Lemvigh-Müllers Fond
Founded 1846
Founder J. F. Lemvigh-Müller
Revenue 8.472 billion. kr. (2021)
Website [1]
Industry Engros
Key people Christian Herbert (co-CEO)Christian Søgaard-Christensen (co-CEO)Christian Lemvigh-Müller (chairman)
Headquarters Herlev, Danmark
Subsidiaries G.Funder, Elworks
Total assets 2.944 billion. kr. (2021)
Total equity 1.313 billion. kr. (2021)
Number of employees +1,400

Lemvigh-Müller is part of the Denmark company list

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