Lightspeed Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Lightspeed
Company Name Lightspeed
Snippet Technology for small and medium-sized businesses with big ambitions. Manage your inventory, service, data, staff, and customer relationships with a single technology provider: Lightspeed.
Distance Time
one foot 1.0 ns
one metre 3.3 ns
one parsec 3.26 years
one light year 1.0 year
miles per second 186000
parsecs per year 0.307[Note 2]
metres per second 299792458
miles per hour[1] 671000000
from Moon to Earth 1.3 s
kilometres per hour 1080000000
across the Milky Way 100000 years
from Sun to Earth (1 AU) 8.3 min
astronomical units per day 173[Note 1]
the length of Earth's equator 134 ms
from geostationary orbit to Earth 119 ms
from nearest star to Sun (1.3 pc) 4.2 years
from the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth 2.5 million years
from Earth to the edge of the observable universe 46.5 billion years
Planck length per Planck time (i.e., Planck units) 1
from the nearest galaxy (the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy) to Earth 25000 years

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