Proton Company Profile

Aggregated data from the web about Proton
Company Name Proton
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Mass 1.67262192369(51)×10−27 kg[1]938.27208816(29) MeV/c2[2]1.007276466621(53) u[2]
Spin .mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px;white-space:nowrap}1/2
Parity +1
Symbol p, p+, N+, 11H+
Isospin 1/2
Condensed I(JP) = 1/2(1/2+)
Theorized William Prout (1815)
Discovered Observed as H+ by Eugen Goldstein (1886). Identified in other nuclei (and named) by Ernest Rutherford (1917–1920).
Statistics Fermionic
Composition 2 up quarks (u), 1 down quark (d)
Antiparticle Antiproton
Interactions Gravity, electromagnetic, weak, strong
Charge radius 0.8414(19) fm[2]
Mean lifetime > 2.1×1029 years (stable)
Classification Baryon
Electric charge +1 e1.602176634×10−19 C[2]
Magnetic moment 1.41060679736(60)×10−26 J⋅T−1[2]1.52103220230(46)×10−3 μB[2]2.79284734463(82) μN[2]
Electric dipole moment < 5.4×10−24 e⋅cm
Electric polarizability 1.20(6)×10−3 fm3
Magnetic polarizability 1.9(5)×10−4 fm3

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