Company Name | The Moderns |
Website | |
Snippet | Sep 07, 1988 · Alan Rudolph's "The Moderns" is a wonderful, funny and twisted film set in 1920's Paris, France. The front burner story is a triangle between Nick, his runaway wife and a cold as ice businessman that wants to obtain a higher social status. |
Budget | $3.5 million[1] |
Country | United States |
Founded | 1992.0 |
Website | |
Industry | think tanks |
Language | English |
Music by | Mark IshamCharlélie Couture |
Starring | Keith Carradine, Linda Fiorentino, Geneviève Bujold, Geraldine Chaplin, Wallace Shawn, Kevin J. O'Connor, John Lone | | |
Box office | $2,011,497 |
Written by | Jon BradshawAlan Rudolph |
size_range | 1 - 10 |
Directed by | Alan Rudolph |
Produced by | David BlockerShep GordonCarolyn Pfeiffer |
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Headquarters | new york, new york, united states |
Release date | April 15, 1988 (1988-04-15) |
Running time | 126 minutes |
Cinematography | Toyomichi Kurita |
Distributed by | Alive Films |
Productioncompany | Nelson Entertainment |
Number of employees | 5 |
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